Omaha World Herald | Warren Buffett drops by Omaha Film Festival for screening of ‘One Vote’ documentary

Great story in the Omaha World Herald about Warren Buffett attending OFF’18!

Saturday night at the Omaha Film Festival, one of the films’ stars, a Mr. Warren Buffett, took the mic and talked about voting, democracy and the hope he has for the country.

“The luckiest person the world has ever seen born,” Buffett said, “was born in America today.”

Buffett attended the screening of the documentary “One Vote,” one of the many films playing at this year’s Omaha Film Festival at Village Pointe Cinema.

Omaha Magazine | That’s a Wrap

Nice wrap-up article from Omaha Magazine about OFF’18!

After five days packed with 89 short films, 18 features, and seven documentaries, the 2018 Omaha Film Festival concluded on Sunday, March 11.

Audiences at the festival had a chance to watch local films along with work from international directors and Hollywood celebrities. Among the attractions was a special screening of Beirut (starring Rosamund Pike and Jon Hamm), which offered Omahans the opportunity to see the film before its April 11 nationwide release.