Congratulations to the semi-finalists for the 2018 Omaha Film Festival!
Finalists will be announced in early February.

Feature Length Scripts:

4th Of July by Erin Cardiff
Alice in War by Steven Bogart
American Mule by Ian James Ortiz
Connect by John Pisano-Thomsen
Growing Paranoia by Ryan M. Andrews
Honey Boy by Otis Lort & Shia Labeouf
Infamy by Samuel Laskey
The Kingdom’s Spell by Ben Adams
The Road to Matanzas by Christopher Helton
Sam’s War by Stephen C. Settle
Secrets by Lori Kay Allred
The Witness by Nic Lewis

Short Scripts (under 30 pages):

A War on Terror by Peter Haig
Baby in the Basement by David-Matthew Barnes
Boring People Die Alone by Darcy Lueking
Dirty Winds by Andrew Huggins
Empathic by John Burdeaux
Fortytwo B by Paraskevas (Paris) Grigorakis
Honor by Ed Vela
June Block Hero by Seth Kozak
Mad Rush by Christine Burright
Memories for Sale by Doug Sasse
Monkeys by Matthew Strasburger
Saline County, Illinois by Jeffrey Howe
Stasis by Alex Giannoulis
Stutter Buddy by Jeff Hoferer
Sweet Sixteen by Joyce Sherrí


Aftermath by Rebecca Heim
Buffalo Nation by Alexander Major
Éire’s Song by Kristen Nedopak
End of Life by Sean Collins-Smith
Hell Hound – “The Legend of Robert Johnson” by Giancarlo Fusi
The Red Dogs by Mark Sims
Stranger Things: f7/f2 by Ana Ziegler Loes
Supergirl: Eclipsed by Yanjuan Song

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