Cinematography WorkshopFacebook Event Page

As a part of our continuing educational outreach for the OFF Academy we are offering a beginners cinematography workshop. Taught by Ben Drickey, owner of Torchwerks Studio. We will introduce you to the basics of cinematography and film lighting.

The workshop will be geared toward High School students but anyone with an interest in the filmmaking process is welcome to attend and will gain a wealth of valuable information.

Sunday, August 27 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm (check-in at 12:30pm)

Mastercraft Building
1111 North 13th Street
Omaha NE 68102
Drive on the east side of the building to Dock #12

How Much:
High School student pre-registration is $20 per student
(student ID required at check-in)
Registration the day of the session is $25
Non-students welcome for $25
Pre-registration not required but appreciated!

If you would like to attend but can’t afford the entry fee, send us a message and we will work with some of our sponsors that have previously provided OFF Academy scholarships to see what is available.

Pre-register online to secure your spot.
Fees accepted at check-in on the day of the workshop.
Checks can be made out to “Omaha Film Festival.”
Cash or Credit Card are also accepted.

Please submit your completed form by August 26, 2017

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